
Hello World!

I am Gabriel, Gabe, Galindo. I am a budding full-stack software engineer focusing on Java and JavaScript. Currently, I am working towards acquiring my Bachelor in Computer Science at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

My Skills

  • CSS logoCSS
  • JavaScript LogoJavaScript
  • Java
  • x86 Assemblyx86 Assembly
  • C++ LogoC++

My Projects


Banking Website

Made with: HTML LogoCSS logoJavaScript Logo

Utilized a user authentication system to ensure website security and developed user-centric features using advanced DOM manipulation and data structures, which ensured a tailored experience for each logged-in user. Implemented real-time updates with JavaScript to facilitate dynamic content changes, such as deposits, withdrawals, and money transfers

Demo Github

Dice Game

Made with: HTML LogoCSS logoJavaScript Logo

An immersive and visually appealing game, with features such as seamless transitions between players, real-time score tracking, and an interactive dice-rolling experience. The design includes a satisfying winning screen and a user-friendly option to restart the game for enhanced replayability.

Demo Github


Made with: x86 Assembly

A mesmerizing spirograph program intertwining art and code. This intricate piece generates captivating geometric patterns by manipulating low-level instructions. Each line and curve are meticulously calculated, showcasing the synergy of mathematical precision and assembly language finesse.


UNLV logo

Bachelor of Computer Science

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Expected December 2025

  • Rebel Racing – Member
  • RebelSat – Member

Contact Me

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